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Textbook of Biochemistry for Medical Students by DM Vasudevan: A ComprThe Textbook of Biochemistry for Medical Students by DM Vasudevan is a well- recognised resource in the field of medical education. This book is specially craf
Greedy Publishers Spur the Open-Source Textbook Movement | David BolliCALPIRG and Oregon PIRG (OSPIRG) released a terrific report in January 2004 documenting the scope of the problem in California and Oregon. “Rip-off 101: How The Current Practices Of The Textbook Industry Drive Up The C
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Analytical ChemistryThe textbook is based on the APPLIED use of laboratory instrumentation and apparatus in practice in the real working world with absolute minimum use of complex calculations and mathematics. Instrumental theory is kept to
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Embracing digital textbooks – TelegraphAt 9to5Mac, Bradley Chambers looks at how publishers have botched the business model for e-texts. Pat finishes the course on molecular gastronomy and then returns the textbook to the school; next fall, the same text is h
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